A collaborative initiative
to develop a smaller and lighter satellite tag for the study of lesser-known fast-swimming baleen whales and pilot whales in the North Atlantic and North Pacific.
Photo: © Nils Øien / IMR
The North Atlantic and the North Pacific are home to many whales and dolphins that are important to both ecosystems and coastal communities, but we know very little about the migration patterns and wintering grounds of many of these species.
Photo: © Tim Cole / NOAA
Tracking of marine mammals by satellite has long been recognized as one of the most important and promising techniques available for studies of cetacean movement and migration.

So far, it has been challenging to successfully deploy satellite transmitter tags on the large fast-swimming rorqual species, as they are too large to be captured alive and many of them too aversive to be approached at close distance. While long-lasting tag deployments have been achieved, similar tags that can be deployed from long distance have not yet been developed.
Photo: © George McCallum
The new MINTAG will have a smaller diameter and be lighter in weight, which enables tagging from a greater distance. It will therefore be well adapted to fast-swimming species and also usable on smaller whales.
Photo: © Jon S. Rønning / IMR
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